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Mining and motorsports: Data-driven individuals make the greatest difference  

May 26, 2023
eXcellerate - Mining and motorsports: Data-driven individuals make the greatest difference  
Sonia Miller
By Sonia Miller

We humans have an interest in quantifying ourselves - as a reflective practice - to be the best we can be

Using data to understand individual performance is not new. The concept of “self-tracking”, and the practice of using technology to collect data to then improve on or optimize parts of daily life, existed long before the Fitbit or Apple Watch.  

This phenomenon has naturally been implemented and adopted in the workplace. Institutions and organizations have, with varying degrees of success, sought to analyze and report data to measure employee productivity and performance.  

“What gets measured gets done” ties into this concept.

The saying claims that regular performance reporting keeps you focused.  You use the information to help make more informed decisions to complete your work. Done well, that data can continue to be a powerful personal motivator that elevates performance to new levels - in some cases, to a level of performance not thought possible.  

Look at Formula 1 race car drivers. In motorsports, drivers use lap times, sector times, and telemetry data to analyze their results and identify where they can improve. This data allows drivers to safely make adjustments to their driving style and vehicle setup, improving their lap times and overall performance.  

The mining sector, while a far cry from Formula 1 and its KPI to be the fastest to the finish line, is tapping into human motivation with excellent results. 

“Tapping into this motivation with fifth generation technology and superior analytics on handheld devices is making a step change in operator performance in the mining industry.”

Eddy Haegel, Managing Director of eXcellerate  

Our iXcede product provides mine operators with highly credible and accurate information about their own performance. Operators across leading mining companies have sustainably lifted their results by up to 25% - translating to millions of dollars more in revenue.

One of the world’s largest copper mines deployed iXcede with a clear target to increase truck payload to a new ambitious target. The target was met and publicly reported to the market that year as an improvement initiative that delivered significant value. The iXcede analytics, and resultant actions, start with the operator but extend out to other aspects across the operations - delving into the overall mining strategy to unearth where other improvements are waiting to be realized.

Visit the iXcede page for more information on how you can optimize your mine site using quantifiable performance analytics to bring out the best in your operators.